Morning Prayer And Declaration Series Day 2.

Everything you do in life, remember your faith will help you to achieve more, so as you pray this prayer, pray them with deep faith and you will see it manifesting. I Pray For You. 1. God’s goodness and Mercy shall follow you throughout this month and…

Morning Prayer And Declaration Series Day 1.

From today I will posting morning prayers in this domain for morning blessings from God as we pray. It's very important to pray every morning, whether you are rushing out to work or you are late to work make sure you pray to involve God in a speci…

My Childhood Memories I Can't Easily Forget.

True life story . To be honest with you, I was not born into a rich family although my parents are not poor, they are farmers, agriculture is their main source of living, still not poor but above average. I am the first child of my parents. My father …

Why You should Appreciate People Now They Are Alive.

Life is better celebrated when your loved ones is still alive. Don't think or prepare to give your loved ones"a befitting send off" when they are no more on the surface of the earth. ✓ They would rather want you give them befitting suppo…

Dear Parents And Intending Parents, I Have Important Advise For You.

Whether you are already had children as married couple or you are still single and searching for your soulmate, it's crucial you take this advise very much important, I am writing to you as a parent not just as a pastor or only as a marriage couns…

What Happens When Your Die.

As human created by God most high, death is inevitable although we all pray never to die young so we can be able to achieve great goals in life. I have always asked people; When your life ends that's when you are no more in the surface of this ear…

Dear Married Couples, Take These Important Advise.

As we all know that Marriage is full of challenges, arguments, misunderstanding and even unforseen circumstances. I want to advise you because I have been married for 10 years now but I am happy for how good I am my spouse has been together despite th…

Important Things To Reflect On Before Thinking About Marriage.

Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in life because is a decision that can't easily be amended after it has been concluded, I mean after you had finally married the person.  It's not just about lov…

How To Make Your Marriage Joyful And Stronger.

Looking to make your marriage stronger? Here are simple tips to keep love alive: 1. Use cute nicknames on each other. 2. Respect each other's role in the family irrespective of your position. 3. Be understanding when there's arguments or misun…

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