Important Things To Reflect On Before Thinking About Marriage.

Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in life because is a decision that can't easily be amended after it has been concluded, I mean after you had finally married the person. 

It's not just about love; it's about the values, all necessary principles, and the future of your offsprings

I sincerely advise that before you take the decision of marrying that special person,  here are the important things to reflect on before you start thinking about marriage:

✓ Look beyond the surface. Marry someone who has built themselves through legal and principled means.

✓ Your family's principles matter. Don't let irresponsibility infiltrate your home and affect your children's respect for you in the future.

✓ Be the leader of your household. Your children's and marriage should align with your family's values, not just one person opinions from you or your spouse.

✓ Ensure your grandchildren inherit the best from you. Your efforts shouldn't go as a waste; secure the best future for your lineage as you plan to enjoy your marriage as well.

✓ Your words matters. It's your right to be involved in major family decisions making, including your children's education, general welfare and their friendships with others so that they will not be mislead due to peer pressure.

✓ Don't allow division in your home no matter what happened. Always make sure that you maintain a strong bond with your partner and your children, preventing them from tilting away due to misunderstandings, arguments, and pressure to handle or deal with something they may think is beyond their capacity, meanwhile a good advice and encouragement can boast the person's self-esteem and he or she will confidently handle and conquer at last.

Finally, is Worthy to know that respect to your partner and children and vise-versa, taking charge of your responsibility as well as othe family members doing their own parts, and also making sure that there is a strong unity in the family are the cornerstones of a strong family legacy which contributes to a happy successful marriage.

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