1. Sex doesn't solve marital problems. You two can have great sex but have a bad marriage. Are you two OK as a couple after the orgasm?
2. A wife who is sexually frustrated can easily become moody, leading to her giving the husband attitude. Satisfy her
3. A husband whose sexual needs are not met, can easily start to harbour resentment towards the wife and spending less time with her
4. When a wife is made to feel like a sex object in that the husband only notices her when he wants sex, she might easily start to repel him
5. When the wife keeps putting off the husband's sexual advances; he will in turn start to communicate less to her and showing less interest in her
6. When a couple is drifting apart, the first thing to suffer is their sex life. It is difficult to long for someone who is an emotional stranger
7. Many married couples stopped making love, these days they are just having sex; signaling a weak marriage connection
8. Many husbands instead of addressing issues, they lead the wife into having sex and as long as they eventually have sex, he is convinced they are OK. Stop ignoring issues, soon, your marriage will collapse because of what you ignore
9. Sometimes saying "I am sorry" is the key to reviving your struggling sex life as a couple
10. Sex is a very important part of marriage. If you both don't get it right, it might lead to more problems. It hurts when one keeps themselves faithful but be in a marriage that is sexually unsatisfactory.