Love is a state of mind whereby you want the best for others as you want it for yourself.
When you love others like yourself, helping others won't be a difficult thing for you to do because that's truly how to love, People won't come to you for help and snob them away if you have what is being asked of you, that is not love.
I love myself so dearly to the extreme that I don't want any bad thing to happen to me and that's what I should feel for others too.
If you know what love means, to hurt other people's feelings will be a very difficult thing for you to do, to cheat, lie to others, or steal what is not yours, treating others as if they are trash will be difficult to do.
When you love others like yourself, helping others won't be a difficult thing for you to do because that's truly how to love, People won't come to you for help and snob them away if you have what is being asked of you, that is not love.
If I love you, I won't deceive you, I will always be loyal to you.
You don't need to fall in love before you have the mind to show love.
You don't need to fall in love before you have the mind to show love.
I always see love in everything I do that glorifies God.
Love should come naturally.
I don't need to be dating you before I can do anything for you.
Original love is when you have the mind to do things for people, to help them with one heart.
I don't need to be dating you before I can do anything for you.
Original love is when you have the mind to do things for people, to help them with one heart.
For me, love is not sentimental, is not religious as well but it should be selfless.