
The Important Things You Should Know Before Going Into Marriage.

Marriage Is Only A Title.
You need a great Mantles exactly the ones listed down below to operate it, they are:
° Love.
° Communication.
° Trust.
° Truth.
° Forgiveness.
° Character.
A Title Without A Mantle Is A Battle
That's why a whole lot marriages are scattered today, so many people rushing to get married, but don't have the mantle to operate with when they are handed the title called Marriage.

Marriage Is Only An Office. 
Is important to know that you need some important skills to effectively function well in any office you get into.
People get into offices they didn't prepare for, offices they aren't qualified for. Square pegs in round holes.

That's why marriages crash anyhow today, people getting into an office they never studied or were qualified to be in.
Biological age Is Not A Qualification for marriage although age is important as it's one of the signs of maturity for marriage.
An 18-year-old man or woman can get married and it will work and become successful, in the same way a 38-year-old can get married and it will fail beyond imagination.

Don't marry someone because they are OLD enough. Marry them because they are mature enough.
Work on yourself too, and acquire emotional knowledge.

Marriage Is A Responsibility. Responsibilities don't necessarily make people responsible.
You may have heard statements such as, "Let him go get married so he will change and become a responsible person to himself."
There's a difference between being Responsible and having Responsibilities.

When you get Married you are faced with responsibilities, getting married to anyone irrespective of personality and class in the society doesn't mean you have become a responsible person.
There are many irresponsible married men and women, and their irresponsibility follows them into marriage, we call this "follow come".

Marriage Does Not Change People. Don't marry someone saying they will change. Someone can decide to change by choice and personal encounters with life or what we call life experience, not because he or she got married and decided to change their lifestyle. You can make enquiry from any married person close to you, it's very difficult for someone to suddenly change after marriage, remember that's their lifestyle before you married them and now you want the person to change it. Do you think is going to happen?

Marriage Is Not A Solution. Marriage creates new problems.
Suddenly, someone else is in your space almost 24/7, with new bills to pay, new demands, new expectations, less freedom, conflict, etc.

It's a person's problem-solving capacity that makes their marriage work and makes a couple happy. Not that marriage solves problems, otherwise, all married people would have zero problems.

Don't marry to solve your loneliness problem, there are many married and lonely people, get a life and purpose first.
Don't marry to solve your financial problems, anything can happen later, get skills, and get a job. Earn.
Don't marry to solve your lust problem, married people still fight lust and sexual temptations, and get self-control.

Marriage is what we make of it. Prepare, find someone equally prepared, get married and the rest will take care of itself.

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